Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take me to become a pilot?

The minimum training required in primary training (Private Pilot) is 40 hours of flight time however, most applicants finish their primary training in 60-80 hours. Flight training consists of two aspects: knowledge base ground training and, in the sky flight time. The more constant a student is with studying and scheduling flight lessons the better they will perform and learn during training. Our instructors like to schedule students two to three times a week to keep a consistent progression through a student primary training.

How old do I have to be?
A student can start flight training at any age however a student must be at least 16 years old to fly solo and 17 years old to take the private pilot exam.
How much money does it cost to become a pilot?

There is no average set price for how long it takes to become a private pilot however students who have good study habits and are consistent with their training usually get their primary cheaper than others. On average, we recommend budgeting at least $17,000 for initial certification.

What kind of equipment will I need to purchase for flight training?

We suggest for training to buy an Ipad to use as an electronic flight bag. The electronic flight bag will allow you to receive all Federal Aviation Administration publications required for flight training. If you do not purchase an Ipad this equipment is also available on paper.

Do I need to be medically examined to become a pilot?

All students must undergo an Aviation Medical examination done by an approved Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) for at least a third class medical. There is a list of disqualifying conditions that will not eliminate you from pursuing a private pilot certificate, but will require an evaluation before pursuing flight training.

Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners 

What will I be able to do when I become a pilot?

After you complete and pass the private pilot exam, you will be able to fly solo with friends, family and much more. It is encouraged that once passing the private pilot exam,  pilots receive an instrument rating which will improve your flying skills and allow for a pilot to fly in limited weather conditions. 

Will I get to fly solo during my training process?

Yes, it is required that an applicant going through primary training to have a minimum of ten solo hours before taking the exam.

Will I get to choose my own instructor?

We strive to make the student as comfortable as possible when going through flight training. Upon initial training you will start with an assigned instructor but may change your instructor based on needs, schedule load, etc. 

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